There is hope and a future for you!

But there
are not only things from outside that can make our life seem troublesome.
Sometimes the worries, stress and problems come from within. Maybe we have a
conflict in our family; our parents are going through a divorce, or maybe we
ourselves are going through a divorce? We can have problems in school when the
pressure from parents that we should succeed pushes us down. In China there are
many students who can take the pressure to succeed any longer so they commit
suicide. Maybe you are going through some of the turmoil from within.
Do you want
to have hope? I think so. I have good news for you. There is Someone that sees
your problems.
Can I tell
you a short story about myself? I was a young adult without hope, it seemed. I
tried to drown my sorrows with alcohol. I prayed many times and asked God to
help me and you know what? He answered my prayers! One evening, He spoke to me
that I wasn’t alone and that He had seen everything and loved me. I didn’t feel
worthy of Him but He said that He wanted to have relationship with me. Then I
asked Him to forgive my sins and be my Lord.
even if the world is still crazy. People still hate each other and the world is
getting worse – I don’t worry. Because I know that He is there and He loves us.
Maybe you
don’t know where to hide from the turmoil and the stress going on. Maybe you
try to drown your worries in alcohol or drugs like I did. Remember, that He is
close to you; just a prayer away. The Bible tells us that, everyone that calls on Jesus' name, shall be saved.
There is
still hope and a future waiting for you and your loves ones.
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