“Does God love everyone?”

Today, there is one theme that is on the news 24/7 as well in Sweden but also in the rest of Europe and that is the refugees that are fleeing Syria (as well as other war zones). Many of them are trying to get to Europe and especially Germany and also Sweden. Some people want to let more people in while others say, “stop!” 
Most of these poor people who are fleeing their home country do so because of ISIS. ISIS is extremely evil and they are torturing, abusing and killing Christians and others who don’t agree with them. 
There are people in Sweden and elsewhere that says that a big percentage of Muslims agree with ISIS and would be happy to fight with them – I do not agree. I think that most of the Muslims are cultural Muslims who say that they are so since they were born in a Muslim country, but they don’t agree with ISIS at all. 
But now, I want to come to the question I want to ask: Does God loves the people that are agreeing with ISIS and even participating in torturing and abusing people? Is there a way for them to come to know the Lord? 
What about Paul, the great Apostle? In the book of Acts, chapter 26, he testifies about his life: “I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth. And that is just what I did in Jerusalem. On the authority of the chief priests I put many of the Lord’s people in prison, and when they were put to death, I cast my vote against them. Many a time I went from one synagogue to another to have them punished, and I tried to force them to blaspheme. I was so obsessed with persecuting them that I even hunted them down in foreign cities.” 
Paul did this, because of his zeal for God. He persecuted them, put them to prison and he casted his vote against them to be killed. But, God showed His mercy toward Paul and saved him. 
I believe that God loves these people – He hates their deeds and if they don’t repent from those deeds – something worse will happen to them but He loves them. God loves every person; whatever religion, color, ethnicity and so on. 
What can we do? 
I believe that you and I can show kindness and love to the refugees who are coming to us. They don’t want to come – I think that they rather would stay in their home country. Let us welcome them and when we meet them on the street, let us say, “hello” and give them a smile and maybe invite them in for a cup of coffee. 
I think this would be Jesus way of showing love. If we say that He is our Lord and example, we should walk in his footsteps and do what He would do.


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